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I set and respect fixed goals and work toward achieving them on time.
My goals are open-ended and subject to change as new information becomes available.
I'm really in between

I derive satisfaction from starting projects.
I derive satisfaction from finishing projects.
I'm really in between

I prefer to share personal information with a select few.
I share personal information rather freely.
I'm really in between

I truly enjoy living in the present moment.
I like to make a sacrifice in the present when I can see that it will improve things in the future.
I'm really in between

The gym and library are great places to interact with people.
If I go to the gym or the library, I find a place by myself and focus on my work.
I'm really in between

I love to close my office door and enjoy quiet times.
I love to be in the midst of the action.
I'm really in between

I desire to be appreciated.
I desire achievement and accomplishment.
I'm really in between

Before answering a question, I prefer to take the time to form an answer in my head.
Ask me a question, and I will start talking to come up with an answer.
I'm really in between

I am product-oriented and want to get the job done.
I am process-oriented and am especially interested in how the task will be accomplished.
I'm really in between

I keep my enthusiasm to myself.
I communicate with enthusiasm.
I'm really in between

I act first, then think.
I think first, then act.
I'm really in between

I talk more than listen.
I listen more than talk.
I'm really in between

It is more important to be diplomatic than truthful.
It is more important to be truthful than diplomatic.
I'm really in between

I like to follow a practical approach.
I like to figure things out on my own.
I'm really in between

I am a mixer and mingler at parties.
I prefer one-on-one conversations.
I'm really in between

My desk may seem disorganised at times, but I can always find what I am looking for.
I like my desk to be neat and organized.
I'm really in between

I fall in love with new ideas and concepts for their own sake.
I like new ideas when they have practical applications.
I'm really in between

I see deadlines as elastic.
I take deadlines seriously.
I'm really in between

Work first, play later.
Enjoy now, finish the job later.
I'm really in between

I like to use and refine existing skills.
I like to pick up new skills. I get bored easily after mastering skills.
I'm really in between

I am often restless.
I am often contented.
I'm really in between

Some people may see me as heartless, insensitive or uncaring.
Some people may see me as overemotional, illogical or weak.
I'm really in between

I prefer to know what I am getting into.
I like adapting to new situations.
I'm really in between

I tend to think out loud.
I think things inside my head.
I'm really in between

Principles and rules are important to me.
Personal values and people are important to me. I see the exception to the rule.
I'm really in between

I tend to be general and figurative. I use metaphors and analogies.
I tend to be specific and literal. I give detailed instructions.
I'm really in between

I value empathy, harmony and forgiving.
I value logic, justice and fairness.
I'm really in between

I work out ideas internally.
I work out ideas with others' input.
I'm really in between

I am sometimes accused of being too indecisive.
I am sometimes accused of being too rigid.
I'm really in between

I believe feelings are valid only if they are logical.
I believe any feeling is valid, whether it makes sense or not.
I'm really in between

My work efforts are steady and sustained.
My work efforts are on-and-off.
I'm really in between

I respond after taking the time to think things through, and I enjoy a slower pace.
I respond quickly and enjoy a fast pace.
I'm really in between

I am energised by spending time alone.
Group discussions stimulate me and give me energy.
I'm really in between

I am brief and businesslike.
I am friendly and have difficulty remaining businesslike.
I'm really in between

I value imagination and innovation.
I value realism and common sense.
I'm really in between

I have many social relationships.
I have a few deep, personal relationships.
I'm really in between

I tend to be unbiased and direct when I analyze people's problems, even if this might hurt their sensitivities.
I sympathize with people and would tell a white lie to avoid hurting their feelings.
I'm really in between

I am good at working directly on something.
I am good at speculating about all the various options.
I'm really in between

I trust inspiration, insights, ideas and hunches.
I trust facts, concrete examples and proof.
I'm really in between

I am experimental and like to find new ways of doing things.
If it works fine, then there is no reason to change it.
I'm really in between

I am comfortable leaving my options open.
I am comfortable after having made a decision.
I'm really in between

I am rather private and difficult to "read".
I am rather easy to "read" and know.
I'm really in between

I am spontaneous and vague.
I am planned and structured.
I'm really in between

I have strong analytical skills.
I am caring, compassionate and tender.
I'm really in between

I am mainly interested in human relationships.
I am mainly interested in things other than human relationships.
I'm really in between

While I walk in the forest, I love to think about all kinds of things and ideas.
When I walk in the forest, I love to smell the woods and the feel the breeze on my face.
I'm really in between